Here's a neat trick in photoshop...
I scan my pencils in in colour. As you can see the blue underdrawing is still visible. I then click on the blue channel in the channels pallette and ta-daaa! the blue is gone. The I convert the image to greyscale discarding all the other channels. Dunno why but it's really satisfying. I then print the pencils out in blue so that I don't have to worry about the inks fading when erasing pencils.
Gorgeous stuff. Still, here's a cool technique : just pencil it and then ink it, and don't bother faffing around with blue line !
- pj
What a lovely couple of panels. Great 'widescreen' comps
Thanks PJ and Alan.
Alan it's supposed to be 3 panels hope that'll be clearer when the borders go on.
PJ, I like using thin ink and have also switched from tech pens (they stopped making rapidoliners :( ) to felt pens for tech stuff. Both of these don't take well to rubbing out. It's also nice not having to worry about keeping the page in good nick for inking, so it doesn't matter if I smudge the pencils or scuff up the paper, and I can use a nice soft pencil.
Great panels Dylan really nicely done!
I agree with you 100% about the blue line, I think it really speeds up the inking as well in most cases,I have not been using it as long as you, but I sure don't miss rubbing out those pages...
I'm a dummy: was fixating on the great verticals in the top panel mainly, made by the trees
As always, brilliant work Dylan. I love the careful design of these panels.
I like the blue line thing because you get to keep the original pencils and sometimes I much prefer the sketchy qualities in them - just wish I could really capture that in my inking...
Happy New Year by the way.
Hi Dylan! I'd like to try the blue pencil too someday... Very nice drawings and composition!
And happy 2009!
Hi Dylan!!! :)
Great Panels. I like also the one with the blue lines because i love to see sketches. How a penciler think his work.
Great work!!!
1. WHICH PAPER are you printing on? Heavy stock..? Thin..? What kind of printer? Your own or in the print shop?
2. WHICH SIZE is the paper?
[ b ]
Hi Boyann,
I print onto strathmore 400 2 ply bristol board. I'm using an Epson 1290 A3 printer.
I work at about A3 size for most things.
I ink with a no2 Scharff sable brush and a hunt 102 nib.
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