Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Dredd Film

One of my old covers seems to be cropping up on the articles about the new Dredd film, which is nice :)
Anyway hope it's better than the last one. I do have a bit of a soft spot for it though as it gave me my first break into comics. "Judge Dredd Lawman of the Future" was a kids comic supposedly based on the Stallone film. Dredd wore the movie costume in the strips and the stories were aimed at a younger audience than 2000ad, so no violence and shooting etc. the fact that the film ended up being a 15 cert kind of messed things up a bit though. 

Here's the links

And the cover, colours by Chris Blythe.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Had  go at using some real watercolours on the space one. It's something I'd really like to learn. I got a bit lost though and ended up reverting to markers for the bulk of it, the space bg was semi successful though. Not as easy as picking your colours from a photoshop swatch that's for sure.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dredd Sketches

This is the only page that suffered a bit, luckily it missed most of the drawing. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Just found out my bag isn't waterproof, fucking rain. Any way my sketch book has got a bit soaked. Just wondering what the best way to dry it is, to lessen the damage. either open or with something pressing on it to maybe stop the crinkling a bit. 

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Win a Sketch!

Over at http://bsmbow.blogspot.com/ Andrew Glazebrook is running a caption competition, and the prize on this one is a sketch by me!
Be Still my Blog of War is one of my favourite blogs and I check for updates on there most days. Andrew puts up posts mainly about Sci fi films, main stream and obscure. They can be reviews, news or features on things like model work or matte painting, always informative stuff. 
Andrew also does a lot of 3d computer modelling himselfhttp://glazy.blogspot.com/, something I'd like to learn at somepoint though I'm still struggling with sketchup.

Anyway here's the sketch that's up for grabs

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lines, lines, lines....

It seems to take me an age of working out till I can start to see the finished lines. 

I remember in a Steve Rude Sketchbook there was a section where he'd put some of his older work.  In it you could see a mass of lines underneath the more finished drawing. His newer work had far less of these preliminery lines and he said that he had just come to a point where he knew where to put the finished line.

I'm hoping at some point I'll suss it out too, for now it just seems I have to draw a ton of lines until the drawing starts making sense to me. What I've put up here is an initial rough from my sketchbook that is pretty small. I then blew this up to the images print size and light boxed it through in blue. Again though I need to do a load of work to start to tighten it up and when I blow this upto artsize I still think I'll need to do some more before I can ink it, it's a hard life eh?

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Here's some more sketches, including a couple of Hellboy pics. I went to see it the other night and quite enjoyed it, a lot more fun than dark Knight anyway.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Here's that SFX pic in full. The guys behind him are just made up as no-one knows what the new enemies are going to be.

For this pic I used a combination of me doing the Sylar pose, a pic of his head and a backdrop of a Cardiff street to stand in for New York, lol.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Some stuff

Here's some stuff, bloody hell drawing loads of miners is difficult!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Working on an SFX commission at the mo....

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ended up filling that whole page, here it is. Also did a little Sorayama type sketch.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Just a quick Nahan Never sketch, to keep my sci-fi eye in.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

one more...

Here's another panel

Edit: something bugging me about this face I've done a bit of a quick ps twaek and moved the eyes down dunno if it looks much better though...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

New Stuff

Here's a panel from the strip I'm working on at the mo. I'll say more about it when I get further along.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Big Sketch Dump!

Here's a load of stuff, including some life drawing.

One of the people at the class works in a gallery and suggested I frame them and try and sell them there. This is why I've signed them.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

FHM illo

Here's another illo for FHM, an explainer piece about "the mossad". I've put the rough up too. I had to 70's him up a bit for the final more hair bigger glasses and a moustache.