Here's a pinup and some pages from Rose O'Rion. I co-created her with Kek-W(Nigel Long) for 2000ad quite a few years ago now. I only drew her first episode. I would have loved to do more but my speed went against me a bit. I did ink her first and only series over some nice pencils by Andy Clarke. I really enjoyed having input into character design, I think I helped Andy on some of the aliens too, I'd love to do another rose strip but I think her time has passed. every now and then I come up with a new costume design for her and try and work out a cool story but never seem to get too far.
Nice pins!
Cheers Ade
I remember Rose O'Rion, the original short was good and a change from the usual twist ending stuff, though I recall it went very technobabble for the ongoing strip. Is it just me that prefered Andy Clarke's earlier stuff before it went all a pseudo Travis Charest?
Looke great in glorious B&W though
Just you.
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