Monday, December 06, 2010

Drawing Demo Vids

A couple of vids of me trying out a Wacom tablet mod made by Lez Wright. It's pretty good and works out quite a bit cheaper than the real thing. You can find out more here. The Jedi one has come out a little dark but you can see the pic at the end of the video.


Kungfoowiz said...

Looks awesome Dylan.. is there much lag using the mod do you think?

Thank you for the demo, looks pretty stable.. =)

I am not Kek-w said...


dylan said...


No lag Edward. I think any lag issues would be down to the pc rather than the mod. All you're doing is placing a monitor over a tablet. It's not Cintiq standard there are a few issues with phantom clicks but it's a decent alternative.

Kungfoowiz said...

Awesome man.. thank you for that.. yip, it looks pretty decent if your drawings are anything to go by. =)

Alan said...

Now this, this is what I call a post

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Very cool work on these !!!

Laura Braga said...

very interesting works as always Dylan!!
...and a special wish for a merry Christmas and happy new year!!

Lee Townsend said...

Very intersting Dylan, great work as allways!
all the best for 2011!

Roberto Zaghi said...

cool stuff, nice to see you drawing Dylan!

Linz Collins said...

Grateful for shariing this