Sorry about the lack of posts of late. I bought my flat about 3 years ago and at the time was unaware of what bastards management companies can be. I've had to pay these people well over £3000 since I've been in the flat and I have never seen them, they do absolutely nothing, except print bills it seems. I did see them once but that was a Leasehold Valuation Tribunal I took them too, but that's another long and extremely boring story. Anyway I'm sick of the stress of waiting for the next massive bill they're going to send so I've put my flat up for sale, hopefully I'll be able to move on and forget about what a mistake buying the flat has been.
Anyway here's some more sketches....
Get me her phone number !!!
Super work as usual Dylan !!
I've heard so many horror stories of bad management companies it is shocking. I know at least three people that have similar horror stories. They're all thinking of selling up. In fact I know one person that just decided to rent his place out and let their tenent handle all the bills. He moved in with some friends and is making and saving a fortune.
Worra buncha c*nts.
Superb work Dylan! very nice gracefull poses.
Sorry to hear about all the stress you are having with the flat! good luck with the sale, hope you make some profit from it. I have my house up for sale at the moment as well, and things are getting a bit stressed here! real life can be a pain sometimes! but that's another story....
Thanks everyone, my thoughts exactly Mark!
I've had to put in word verification sorry, getting too much spam.
I hate you more than you will ever know.
Been checking in for some time now, Dylan (came via Seasn Phillips->Chris Weston. Always great sketches. Especially like the colours you used in these drawings. I'd love to see pages in progress (like you posted recently) or original panels, pencils to inks, too.
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