Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Coming Through...


Paul Neal said...

I love this. Very good. Great colouring. You should do a whole Graphic Novel like this.

Laura Braga said...

Wow Dylan!!!:O
Great Picture. Very impressive.
I love how you did the girl and i really like the colors.
My best compliments!!!:))


EL GRANDE said...

Incredibly sexy. I love you Europeans.

joe y elio

dylan said...

Thanks Everyone!

Paul Neal said...

you've put this character on your blog in several pictures. All of them have been excellent. Forgive my ignorance, but is this a pet project? A graphic novel you're working on? What's the story with this girl?

dylan said...

It's a rough idea for a story Paul, nothing too worked out though, more like a jumping off point for sketching at the mo. I have written a loose 5 page intro that's very open ended so could be taken in any kind of direction really.

Mark Kardwell said...

Love the backgrounds. Reminds me of the Frazetta/Woods/Williamson school of genuinely practical looking spacecraft.

Chris Weston said...

Oi, Dylan... stop farting around with these (admittedly lovely) sketches and get some proper comic strip work done!


There's people waiting for your product!

dylan said...

fuck off spambots!!

Unknown said...

Just stumbled across your blog. Your work is awesome.