Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Stuff

Couple of bits here, some more sketching, plus a pic I just did for FHM called Woman Version 2.0.


issi said...

nice,i like your sketches alot

Lee Townsend said...

Very nice work Dylan!

Adrian said...

Good stuff - are you using a colour pencils to pencil with so it can be taken out after scanning? If so, do they actually rub out or have you get to get it right first time?

dylan said...

Thanks Issi and Lee.

Ade, I just like those orange pencils for sketching dunno why but they seem more forgiving than graphite ones. I don't use orange for stuff I'm going to ink I use the dark blue (sanford col-erase pencils). I'll go over the pic a bit with a putty rubber before scanning to get rid of any really dark blue bits that might get picked up. They rub out pretty well whilst working too.