I'm waiting on some stuff to be okayed so I thought I'd colour that Old Rose pinup. I did colour it ages ago but it was one of the first things I did on computer and not that great and I've lost the hi res version of it too. I've done some new sketches of her too I'll probably scan them in tomorrow.
Here's a pinup and some pages from Rose O'Rion. I co-created her with Kek-W(Nigel Long) for 2000ad quite a few years ago now. I only drew her first episode. I would have loved to do more but my speed went against me a bit. I did ink her first and only series over some nice pencils by Andy Clarke. I really enjoyed having input into character design, I think I helped Andy on some of the aliens too, I'd love to do another rose strip but I think her time has passed. every now and then I come up with a new costume design for her and try and work out a cool story but never seem to get too far.
I'm scanning in some of my older stuff for safe keeping, I'll stick up some of my faves. here's a couple of pages from a Warhammer strip done a few years ago.